Circular economy

Eco-sustainable bread

The circular economy to reduce waste

L’impegno di Oropan è da anni quello di apportare cambiamenti nella catena del valore, nella progettazione dei prodotti, nei modelli di mercato e di impresa, nei metodi di trasformazione dei rifiuti in risorse, nelle modalità di consumo, secondo il concetto di rigenerazione, recupero energetico, riciclo e riuso. In tale ottica stiamo perseguendo 3 principali obiettivi:

Extension of the
life of the products
and of their
shelf life
of waste
Fight against
the wasting of food

How do we achieve
these goals?

of the most important
The extension of the
shelf life allows us
to reach geographically
distant markets and at
the same time to
reduce waste.

Freezing allows us to extend the shelf life of our product up to 14 months. A technique obtained by means of a physical and non-chemical method. Once the browning is complete, it allows you to better appreciate all the organoleptic characteristics of freshly baked bread, while maintaining its fragrance, flavor, smell and consistency. It makes it possible for people all over the world to taste the bread of Altamura and to break down all geographical barriers.

The packaging in ATP Protective Atmosphere extends the shelf life up to 70 days. Preparation times are reduced as the product is always available in the pantry and ready for use in a few minutes. This makes it possible for us to reach consumers within the European market.

Mask Group (19)

Use of bran
and sharps

We use by-products of milling such as bran and sharps, with high nutritional value because they are rich in vitamins, mineral salts and fibers. They also prevent baked products from going stale and so allows our bread to maintain its flavor and compactness.

Mask Group (54)

High performance
biodegradable films

Thanks to the partnership with the Department of Food Technologies of the University of Bari, Oropan has experimented with new conservation protocols for fresh bread based on the use of biodegradable films with low environmental impact and that have the ability to slow down the process of going stale compared to the usual plastic-based materials. With the use of these high-performance biodegradable films, the time of natural decomposition is reduced by up to 100 times.

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